Vic Ruggiero

Artist info | New album "Something In My Blindspot" | Discography | Tour Dates | In The Media | Webpage

Artist info

For those who know Vic Ruggiero as the singer and organist of the fabulous New York Ska act The Slackers, his solo work comes as a surprise: It's a freaky tour through American singin' / songwriting tradition. Ruggiero puts on the guitar and plays stirring Rockabilly and Country straight from the sketchbook, telling harebrained stories about madmen and New Jersey girls.

For Vic Ruggiero, the difference between the styles of The Slackers and his solo recording are no contradiction. "It seems that most people who listen to Ska and Reggae also like these other kinds of music - old Rock'n'Roll, Blues, good Country music..." All his songs were written in the same way. If they sounded like The Slackers or like Johnny Cash, is all a matter of interpretation.

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New album "Something In My Blindspot"

Mister "I wrote those songs because I could not afford a shrink" Ruggiero has returned to the couch i.e. the recording studio. Although besides his main occupation - singer of the New York ska institution The Slackers - he's got numerous side projects like playing organ for Rancid, he found time this summer to record a new solo album in Berlin. The new album "Something In My Blindspot" will be released on CD and online in 2/2008.

>>> more about "Something In My Blindspot", MP3s, Tour dates

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"Something In My Blindspot" (CD / online, moanin' 2008)

"Hamburguru" (CD, Ska in the world records JP, 2007)

"Living In Sin / Understanding New Jersey" (CD, moanin' 2006)

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Tour dates

>>> "Something In My Blindspot" Tour 2008

In the media

„Roots Radical“ radio show (2006): The whole show is available as free mp3 download. It's 50 min. of weird stories (all in english) and some great music played live by Vic in the studio.

>>> direct download link

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