Moanin' - The philosophy
A lot of people got Reggae and Punk music in their record shelves.
Some even add more styles, like 60ies Soul and Electronic music. We
belong to these people! And, when we look around at a concert, we
notice there must be more with a musical taste like ours.
Is it just coincidence that the music industry often fails these
days to sell the expected millions of copies of their top sellers? We
don't believe that this ist just because of "piracy" and filesharing.
It's time to draw the logical conclusion. Music with no "commercial
potential" as defined by the majors might still have the potential to
satisfy the need for authenticity and artistic quality.
One reviewer of our first release wrote: "This is music for grown-up friends of several subcultural styles". Yes, exactly!
Who we are
Moanin' was founded in 2004 by two musicians who have played in
dozens of - mostly Ska- and Reggae - bands in Berlin. The label is open
for everyone who agrees with our "philosophy"... contact us and send us your music!
Christoph Becker
Lives in Berlin and works at an office in the political sphere. Studied religious science
and history of arts at Freie Universitaet Berlin. Experiences with record production and promotion,
tour and band management, concert promotion and booking. Guitarist in
several Ska and Reggae bands for many years. Now driftin into more funk and electronic inspiered spheres. Since the retirement of label co-founder Sebastian damned to fight alone for good music and against the passing away of the music industry. V!
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